This past year has completely flown by! On September 7th, my niece and nephew turned one and it definitely doesn’t feel like it has been a year. A couple weeks before their actual birthday their parents threw them a Thing 1 and Thing 2 themed birthday party. Close family and friends spoiled these two with their love and some special presents. Gennavive and Charles also got to try cake for the first time. At first, they were a little hesitant but as they started to taste it they dove right in. On a side note red icing stains skin, poor Gennavive had a red tinge to her face for the rest of the day. By the end of the day they were pretty tired out!
Later on, in September I got the chance to do their one year old photoshoot. Let’s just say taking pictures of twins that don’t want to sit still is almost impossible! Throughout most of it Gennavive wasn’t the happiest camper but with a little help from some milk and crackers she got through it. On the other hand, Charles absolutely loved the camera. I hope you all enjoy these adorable photos!